Sunday, September 7, 2008

So now I feel kind of bad. Reading Romans today, was reminded not to avenge anything. To let God take care of those things. So maybe, given this type of customer service BabyAge will fall apart on its own someday but I'm feeling like I want to draw a line - I mean I want them to deal fairly with us but I'm not all riled up anymore. I just felt like I should let you all know that. I intend to post some reccomendations of those places that have AWESOME customer service in the upcoming posts, that seems like a more positive plan. Oh, and I can't NOT mention the most exciting thing to happen in Kingwood (other than the new Target) ... we are actually getting a CHUY"S!!!! I'm SOOOOO happy. For the whole time we've lived here whenever I ate at Chuy's (which is a lot) I would fill out the comment card and under the "What can we do better" section I always wrote - "Build a Kingwood location!" and they must have listened. Woot! Woot! I Can't Wait!!!!

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