Friday, July 31, 2009

I forgot.

So earlier this month I was on an exercise kick. You know, that one you get on when you have a trip to the beach coming up? So anyway I went down to work out at the facilities here in our neighborhood. I was running along on the treadmill, with Lyle Lovett crooning in my ear about rodeos, ice tea and old Texas porches and then wham! I totally swooped off the back of the treadmill and landed boomp! right on my rear end. I was mortified but otherwise unhurt. Beyond being really embarrassed I was fine, truthfully I forgot all about it. Fast forward 4 weeks to today, I have felt like poop all week, with a horrible nagging back ache so I went to the doctor thinking maybe I had a kidney infection or bladder infection or I don't know what. Well, they did all kinds of tests and found ... nothing. The doctor said it seemed muscular not my organs (good news if you've ever had a kidney infection, they are not fun) and had I perhaps suffered some sort of injury, like maybe while working out. (because you know I look like a worker outter right???) and I'm all like, "no, no, no injuries.." then, DOH! Suddenly I knew exactly why my poor back is hurting. I felt so embarrassed for wasting all of her time like it was some deep medical mystery when really I just fell off the treadmill. So some joint in my lower spine is very very unhappy right now so it's off to bed with some Advil and a heat pack for me.

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