I’ll admit, I missed planting season this year. Somehow March and April (and May) came and went and I didn’t get my little herb garden planted. Last weekend I finally planted some seeds we had. Some of the seeds were old, some were new, and I’ve never planted seeds before – so only heaven knows what will come of it.
I found the very act of planting, preparing the little pots and special soil, labeling each container very calming and grounding and peaceful. My inner Perfect Mom Wannabe thought I probably should have called the kids out to help and used it as a time of instructional wisdom and bonding. Or not. It was sunny and quiet and very good for my soul to sit in the sun in the grass.
Each day I’ve enjoyed going out and checking on my little babies – talking to them and wondering what, if anything, is taking place down under the soil.
These are little degradable pots, when the seedlings are big enough the entire thing will be planted. I found them in the dollar bins at Target.
For reference sake – this is the organic seed starting mix I used.
I filled the pots with soil, then I watered the soil and then placed 3-4 seeds into each pot. Once everything was planted I set them on a tray and covered it with saran wrap for a few days. Each day I gently watered the seeds.
Day 1 (June 2)
What I planted:
Dill (if you like dill pickles, these are the seeds you see in the pickle brine)
Also toad flax, which I did later and forgot to take a picture of, it’s a flower.
Day Seven (June 9th)
The basil has sprouted!
Here is an view of all the pots (Day 7, June 9)
All 6 basil are sprouted.
Day 8 – The Toad Flax has sprouted! It’s is so amazing because there was no sign of anything on Saturday but then today Sunday, there it was! The mystery of it makes me happy!
It’s so tiny – a little green baby tendril right in the middle of the pot.
For no reason than that I love it & it’s beautiful – a close up of our Texas sage, one of my favorite Texas plants.
And the rosemary which has gone wild and smells incredible, reminds me that I need to make rosemary bread soon!
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6
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