Did you know you could make your own thin mints?
I’m just sayin’.
Bella has a slight fever and tummy issues. If your 3 year old comes into the room mumbling something about having flat poop, you should not finish the report that the CEO wants. Really. you should just get up and go and check on what exactly the phrase “real flat poop” might entail.
I’m just sayin’.
There is fresh pizza dough in the breadmachine and within 30 minutes there will be pizza bites. Oh lordy I need pizza bites.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for fresh dough and pepperoni. Thank you for a washing machine that sanitizes and for making Moms with strong stomachs and washable hands. Thank you for understanding CEOs and husbands. Thank you for the blessing of a good job and a busy family. Thank you that this day won’t last for ever and that your mercies will be new tomorrow.
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