Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm famous!

OK, not really so much but I did comment on one of my very favorite cooking blogs about how my kids won't eat my homemade yogurt and how that makes me so sad. (And also forces me to eat more full fat creamy delicious fresh thick splendid yogurt than I probably should, because someone has to eat it. Such is my life.)

Anyway the blog owner wrote a post in response to my comment which I thought was so incredibly nice of her and I feel so special to be mentioned by name by someone who is like a blog-o-sphere celebrity! haha. I am so ridiculous I know!

1 comment:

The Pences said...

I can't make myself eat plain yogurt or kefir (yet!) so I'm not really trying hard for my kids (yet!), but it's super good stuff, so I mix it in other things. Our smoothies have zero added sugar, they're just yogurt, frozen fruit, milk to thin if needed, and a big ol' handful of spinach if I've got it. Super sweet (I think frozen grapes are great for sweetness) and super healthy.
I'm so impressed you're famous. :)

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