Monday, February 2, 2009

Signs Signs Everywhere Signs...

OK, not really signs, but the next best thing...Labels! My dear husband got me a label maker today, I'm in hog heaven... First things first, I've labeled all the shelves in the pantry. Or re-labeled them actually. Our pantry is tiny and no matter what I did, it would always turn into complete chaos within a month or so. Recently, I got fed up. Cleaned it out, AGAIN, and then got out the masking tape and a sharpie and labeled where everything should go. Today I replaced my shoddy sharpie/masking tape labels with nice pretty ones. Oh! It's wonderful. Will is naturally a neat freak. He is a person who will unwaveringly put things back exactly where they should be, he is never too tired, he never puts it off for another time, or allows himself to be distracted by that new bag on or a sudden craving for cheese puffs. I believe my sad masking tape labels triggered some sort of kindred spark and so he got me the label maker to encourage me. In any case, I'm as happy as can be. I'm even going to label the drawer where the label maker is going to live "Label Maker/Scissors/Tape"...tee hee. Today I took Jacob to the dentist. We have the best pediatric dentist and she really prefers not to traumatize children. In the past if something upset him then she would just skip it for that visit. She would always assure me that within a few visits he would be ready and not to worry that the most important thing was laying the groundwork for happy future visits. I secretly did worry though, thinking that Jacob would reach teenagerhood still having never had a decent cleaning or flouride treatment. Well, lo and behold the person who works with children for a living was right and the worrying person (me) was wrong. Today was The Day - We had a lot of "firsts": they checked his weight, blood pressure, took panoramic x-rays (where the child stands perfectly still, bites this thing and the machine rotates around his head, and the other kind of x rays (where you bite on the film) and he got an exam, cleaning and flouride treatment. Big deal, you may be thinking, but for us it is because Jacob has always been a kid that didn't do what other kids do - woudln't step on a scale or sit in the exam chair or let them put a blood pressure cuff on. Just WOULD NOT. He was happy, inquisitive and pleasant the entire time. Other than informing me in a very loud voice "I have a penis and girls do not!" while we were in the bathroom, the whole visit was without incident. Do I miss the tears and drama and how he would cling to me in terror in new situations? Why no, no I don't! Last, but not least - Happy Birthday dear William. I love you!

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