Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bayou City Art Festival



We had so much fun at the art festival last year that we couldn’t wait for it to come around again this year. The weather was perfect and thank goodness we were all sufficiently recovered to all go.

Will & his Mom Theresa


The kids – I have to post both because one is a great one of Bella and the other is a better one of Jacob.

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When you go with kids there is always a lot of sitting down and resting, snacking or using of the bathroom. Here the kids have fun with their Grandfather Bobby. This was taken right before Jacob and Bella spilled their waters simultaneously. 03.201000000107

Right after this we saw Jessica’s Mom Rose. We saw her near the pink portapotties. Bella loved that they were pink and decided to go many many times.

Here is a short video of a musical group. Bella went right up really close to them and I thought she would clap or dance but instead she just stood there doing this new thing she does where she sucks her thumb and sort of picks her nose all with one hand. She’s very talented.


Here is another short video of Jacob playing the didgeridoo.


Bella explores the metal art. We’ve been on a metal art kick lately – we have a bee, a dragonfly, and a frog out in our front yard and a chicken and a pig inside by our fireplace. We didn’t get anymore this year, but Bella had fun checking everything out.

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After we ate and shopped and looked and mooned over impossibly beautiful and expensive art we sat down in an open area and the kids just ran around.

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There was a huge tree stump that the kids loved, they would run over to it and get up on it and then run back to where we were sitting.  I don’t have adequate words for how tired and dirty these children were at the end of the day!


Of course I had to take a picture of this dragon. Turns out this dragon costs $38,000 dollars. Oh my. That is nearly double the cost of my college education. That is more than the down payment on a house. I told the artist’s brother that for $38,000 dollars it better take me work and back every day. Artist’s brother was not amused and informed they would not be back next year because “Houston just wasn’t their clientele.” When I asked what he meant he replied, “Our clientele doesn’t take a bus to buy art”. Hah.




Another thing happened that I thought was hilarious. I was taking Bella to the bathroom and a woman said something to me about the length of my skirt relative to the bathroom floor (I was wearing an ankle length denim skirt) and then she says “Honestly, I don’t know how you people get around dressed like that”. 

I’m not sure to which “people” she thought I belonged  – maybe Pentecostal  or Mexican or hippies or I don’t know what.  It is highly amusing to me that my hemlines and my hair have gotten long enough to be “different”.   What a world we live in when you stand out just for dressing the way millions of women do all over the world!

But in general I had a great time chatting with all the artists and with all the random people we met during the day.

Heading out after a long fun day.


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