Monday, April 7, 2008

Update on my tooth

For those of you with any interest in the saga of my oral surgery I thought I'd give an update on today's appointment. Just to summarize - my tooth was extracted in February and I was given a bone graft and a membrane was put in to keep the graft in place and keep foreign matter out of it. Today the membrane was finally removed and Dr. Jeffries stated that the bone graft has taken nicely, he said my healing was "ideal". Having the membrane out was only mildly horrific - they cut a slit and pull it out, rather like pulling a Kleenex from a box of tissue is how they described it. Anyway it isn't swollen but it does hurt and I'm back to eating mushy stuff for a while until the wound heals up. Happily, I have somewhat of a hiatus in procedures until late June when we will have x-rays taken to see how the jaw bone is doing. We are wanting it to be good and solid so that it can eventually hold the titanium screw. In case you are wondering, the bone graft was cadaverous bone and while he was removing the membrane the surgeon told me all about how cadaverous bone is harvested and prepared and how I shouldn't worry because people hardly ever get AIDS or hepatitis from bone grafts anymore. Hah, I bet everyone goes and like flosses and stuff after reading this! * Note, I totally just now (4/9) noticed that I wrote "bone graph" over and over in this post, clearly I meant GRAFT not graph! Hah! I MUST just love my job so much that I think about graphs all the time or something, anyway I've changed it.

1 comment:

The Pences said...

I think it's sad that you have to describe your oral surgery as a saga -- poor Shaun! And yes, I brushed very vigorously last night. :)

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