Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finished Dish

Seriously good stuff. I will definitely make this again. It calculated out to 7.5 points per 1 cup serving. Not super low in points but since the Panera macaroni and cheese came out to 17 points, this seems like a decent alternative. Along with a salad I will finish off the day right where I need to be!


Theresa, Chris, Aidan and Logan said...

So funny! I am actually VERY interested because Chris and I are doing WW at home. We have all the material from several years ago and so this is towards the end of our first week. I may seriously have to make that mac and cheese!! YUMMY!!! And, for points value, not bad for a dinner meal. :)

The Pences said...

Looks good! I agree about the stirring -- who wants to stir the crock pot every 30 minutes? I was just thinking about making some mac-e-cheese (as Joanna says).

The Pences said...

Oh, and can I say, I really really like it when you randomly blog in the middle of the day about food or whatever... makes me smile. :) See.

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